Why is it important to have good cholesterol?

At first, cholesterol seems to be a dirty word, especially given how it’s talked about in the media. But the truth is, cholesterol is produced naturally by the body and it’s not all necessarily bad or good. There are several elements that go into the dynamics for determining healthy and unhealthy cholesterol.

Cholesterol is produced by the liver and is also absorbed by the body through a variety of foods people eat and drink. It is carried throughout the body by lipoproteins. These are normally referred to as LDL (low density lipoprotein often called bad cholesterol) and HDL (high density lipoprotein, good cholesterol).

Differences Between LDL and HDL Cholesterol

LDL is monitored as a bad type of cholesterol because it can cause a build-up of plaque, leading to hardening of the arteries. This can narrow vital blood vessels, which in turn reduces the flow of oxygen in the blood. These effects may lead to blood clots which can ultimately cause a stroke or heart attack. So there is good reason to monitor LDL levels. Ideally, LDL levels should stay below 100 mg/dl. It may vary slightly for some individuals, but this is generally the standard.

By the same token, the high density variety (HDL) of cholesterol is critical in keeping the   cardiovascular system functioning in top form. HDL also helps remove LDL from artery walls, keeping blood paths clear of plaque and acting as a preventative measure for stroke and heart attack.

At ARcare, primary care providers can help monitor cholesterol levels as well as advise on dietary changes that can help. If medicine is needed to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol, doctors and nurse practitioners can carefully monitor those levels, coming up with a plan that’s tailored for each individual's medical needs. ARcare wants each patient to be aware of his or her health and to help in every way to take care of it.

We’re here for you.

Healthy Foods to Improve Cholesterol Levels

Foods, along with exercise and sufficient sleep, can go a long way to improving cholesterol levels. Here is some food for thought when trying to improve those HDL numbers: 

  • Oatmeal (steel-cut is best).
  • Nuts (including walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios and hazelnuts).
  • Bananas.
  • Fish (including mackerel, trout, salmon and halibut).
  • Avocados (Really! A source of ‘good’ fat has shown to lower LDL levels.)
  • Whole grains.
  • Beans and legumes.
  • High fiber fruits (including apples, pears and prunes).
  • Red wine — in moderate doses — has been shown to increase HDL levels.                                                 

Amy Sullivan is a registered advanced practice nurse and certified nurse practitioner. She graduated from the University of Arkansas Little Rock with a bachelor of science in nursing and from the University of Central Arkansas with her master's degree in nursing in 2013. Sullivan joined ARcare in February 2014.