Most of you who are reading this website have something in common: you are parents. And while that common thread creates some similarities between you all, you’re also all very different.

Maybe you’re a single mom with two kids, a dad of five or an expectant mother trying to figure out what is in store. Your personalities and passions vary and parenting styles abound, with each of you figuring out works best for your kids and family structure.

But you’re also probably in one of a few categories: a working parent, a stay-at-home parent or a work-from-home parent. And I think there is beauty in all of those lifestyle choices.

I was raised by a stay-at-home mom. It was her dream to have a big family and raise her kids, so she was fulfilled in that role. And, who are we kidding, being a stay-at-home mom is really a compilation of several jobs packaged into one: chef, chauffeur, maid, nurse and many others. My mom also filled the role of teacher as she homeschooled seven of us for years.

In this issue, we’re highlighting a working mom, Sharon Vogelpohl, and her family. For her, fulfillment is about finding balance between her role as a mother and her role as an executive at Mangan Holcomb Partners. Her husband, Carl, also works in a demanding job. But they make it work. With sports, time on their family farm and more they’re able to create a balance that works for them.

We’re also featuring an Arkansas mom and entrepreneur who began her own nail polish business from her home. Melanie Hurley has been self-employed for about 10 years and involves her two daughters in the business. As part of the target market for her product, they provide insight and offer their own suggestions for Piggy Paint, making the business a true family affair.

As I look at these moms and so many others who are in my circle, it makes me wonder what I’ll do when I have kids. Right now, I love my job and it’s a position I worked towards for years — I can’t imagine giving it up. But at the same time, I loved being raised by a stay-at-home mom and I think the hours she was able to spend with us were truly priceless.

Luckily, I don’t have to make any decisions yet. But I will say this — I think family should always come first. And for now, I’ll keep watching and learning from the wonderful examples of families all around me.