Head of the Class: Emma Kathleen Conner, Robinson (PCSSD)

Emma Kathleen Conner
GPA: 4.2
Joe T. Robinson High School
College attending:
Ouachita Baptist University
College accepted to:
Harding University
Student council president, varsity soccer captain, All-Region Choir and eligible for All-State Choir, Soccer All-Conference, American Legion Auxiliary Girls State delegate
Career goal:
My career goal is to work in the medical field. I would love to become a physician's assistant working in the ICU or NICCU, or become a registered dietitian for younger kids.
Favorite memory from high school:
My favorite memory from high school is making it to the soccer state championship my freshman year. It was an amazing experience with my team, and I loved having the opportunity to play in a championship as a freshman.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life:
I am blessed to have had so many amazing teachers and administrators, but Coach Eskola at Robinson High School has especially made an impact on my life. He is so much more than a coach to all of his students and players, and he’s there for you on and off the field.