Head of the Class: Cherish Iroabuchi, Robinson (PCSSD)

Cherish Iroabuchi
GPA: 4.1
Joe T. Robinson High School
College attending:
University of Arkansas
Colleges accepted to:
York College of Pennsylvania, Louisiana State University, University of Central Arkansas
African American Academic All-Star, Philander Smith College Presidential Scholarship recipient, All-A honor roll throughout high school career, American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin scholarship award recipient, Little Rock Honors choir
Career goal:
My career goal is to become a surgeon or anesthesiologist. My personal goal has always been to help people around the world no matter their circumstances by providing health care for the underprivileged.
Favorite memory from high school:
My favorite memory from high school would have to be my National Beta Club experience. The leadership conferences and the Beta conventions were so much fun, and winning first place in the jewelry competition was a wonderful feeling.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life:
Mr. Edmond Hampton made a huge impact on my life as a teacher and as a person. The two periods I had Mr Hampton, he made it a ritual to talk to all his students about their life, dreams and futures. “Run faster than the fastest runner” is a statement he made that I will forever carry with me.