Head of the Class: Anna Bertelsen, eStem

Anna Bertelsen
GPA: 4.43
eStem High Public Charter School
College attending:
Saint Louis University
Colleges accepted to:
Purdue University, Rochester Institute of Technology
AP Scholar with Distinction, student ambassador, Academic Excellence in Foreign Language Award for Spanish, American Legion Auxiliary Girls State delegate, scored 34 on the ACT
Career goal:
In my career, I hope to facilitate medical research, specifically in Alzheimer’s disease, to better the lives of those around me and inspire scientific awareness.
Favorite memory from high school:
During the summer after my 10th grade year, I had the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica with some of my closest friends and classmates. It was an absolutely phenomenal, eye-opening experience, and it truly changed my perspective of the world.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life:
My AP Biology teacher in 10th grade was Ms. Donahue, and she forever impacted me by opening my eyes to a passion in science which I previously felt incapable of.