Head of the Class: Sophia Claudio, Pulaski Academy
by Little Rock Family Staff on 4/28/2020 12:00am

Sophia Claudio
GPA: 4.61
Pulaski Academy
Colleges accepted to:
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, The University of Maine, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Citizenship Award, Communications editor of Veritas Literary Journal, President's List/honor roll, Mu Alpha Theta member, Art 2 medal
Career goal:
I plan on studying physics/engineering.
Favorite memory from high school:
I loved being a member of Veritas, my high school literary and art journal. Being a part of such a large, creative project for the whole school year was so much fun.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life:
My AP Physics teacher, Mr. Reed, has not only been one of the most influential people in my life, but also one of my biggest supporters.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2020 Head of the Class!
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