Head of the Class: Olivia Hobson, Pulaski Academy

Olivia Hobson
GPA: 4.557
Pulaski Academy
Colleges accepted to:
Lipscomb University, Berry College, Ouachita Baptist University
National Council for Teachers of English Superior Writing Certificate, Arkansas Model United Nations President, George Washington University Book Award recipient, National Honor Society member, First rank at Arkansas Foreign Language Teachers Association State Competition
Career goal:
I'd like to pursue law or politics or maybe some mixture of the two. I also have a high interest in becoming a teacher.
Favorite memory from high school:
Roaming around the Northeast with all of my best friends — from Middlebury, Connecticut to Washington — during a college trip in the beautiful snow. We had no worries and no stress! We were just a bunch of young kids enjoying life.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life:
My Dean of Student Life Mrs. Castleberry has been indescribably incredible in helping me through these past four years. The couch in her office has always been a safe space for everything from a good laugh to panic attacks. She's never dismissed me and has always treated me as more than just one of 500 students. She treated me like a real human being, and I'll never forget that.