Head of the Class: Erica Stilwell, Little Rock Christian

Erica Stilwell
GPA: 4.66
Little Rock Christian Academy
College attending:
Ouachita Baptist University
Colleges accepted to:
Samford University
Arkansas Rice Rep, High school chapel leader, National Honor Society member, Tiger Network Leadership Award from Ouachita Baptist alumni, invited to the Presidential Leadership Forum at Ouachita Baptist University
Career goal:
I would like to become a researcher in the biology field.
Favorite memory from high school:
My favorite high school memory is starting a Night of Worship for all Central Arkansas high school students with my friend Piper Greer. It was such an amazing experience getting to worship with other students who are passionate about the Gospel.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life:
Mr. Jeffus made a difference in the way I viewed and approached learning. He taught me the value of learning for the sake of growth rather than focusing on the grades I get.