Head of the Class: Carson Stewart, Central Arkansas Christian
by Little Rock Family Staff on 4/28/2020 12:00am

Carson Stewart
GPA: 4.2721
Central Arkansas Christian
College attending:
Harding University
Colleges accepted to:
Arkansas State University, Henderson State University
National Honor Society member, National Beta Club member, Mu Alpha Theta member, All-A honor roll throughout high school career
Career goal:
My career goal is to be a pediatric orthodontist.
Favorite memory from high school:
My favorite memory of high school is running out every Friday night to play football. I enjoyed being a part of a team.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life:
Coach Morse was my favorite high school football coach, and he taught me and my teammates to always work our hardest at everything we do.
See more of Little Rock Family's 2020 Head of the Class!
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