Head of the Class: Catherine Althoff, Mount St. Mary

Catherine Althoff
GPA: 4.51
Mount St. Mary Academy
College attending:
Rhodes College
Colleges accepted to:
Austin College, Hendrix College, Millsaps College
2018-2019: 6A All-Conference Basketball, Passionate Athlete Award and Scholarship, National Honor Society, National Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta
Career goal:
I do not have a set career goal right now. I know I would like to do something in the medical field and probably something related to sports medicine.
Favorite memory from high school:
My favorite memory from high school is when our basketball team made the state tournament my senior year. It was the first time our team had gone in three years, and it was my first time getting to go!
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life:
My basketball coach, Coach Ramsey, has made a real difference in my life because she always pushes me to be the best person I can be and not just on the basketball court. She has also been someone who I can go talk to about anything, and someone I know who will give me great advice.