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Adoption Month Miracles!

“I was a married mother of six, including infant twin girls, when God sprang it on me to begin the Peruvian adoption process in early 2014. Shock is an accurate description of what I was feeling.”

Amber Barrier is a happily married, 32-year-old mom to six—soon to be seven!—who wrote to Little Rock Family earlier this fall to share her incredible adoption tale. Inspired by the Barrier’s journey to adopt a young girl with Down syndrome, we wanted to hear more amazing adoption anecdotes from our readers.

That’s where you come in! Share your adoption story with us by filling out the questionnaire below and we’ll publish each submission on our website throughout the month of November.

As for our inspiration, the Barrier family, you can read more about how they were led to adopt a child from Peru by reading their full story here or visiting their blog at

Note: Submissions may be edited for grammar, clarity or brevity.


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