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The Old Haunted Warehouse in Little Rock

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The Old Haunted Warehouse in Little Rock

10/3/2014 - 11/1/2014 7pm - 11pm
Old Haunted Warehouse, 3400 Brown Street, Little Rock
Info: (501) 554-4738, website.

Price: $12; tickets are $15 on Oct. 31

The professionally-operated, haunted attraction strives to deliver non-stop scares, entertainment, and laughs to all who visit.  This season focuses on a blackout experience where guests are led through the haunted attraction using only a glow stick. No children under 12 are admitted; please be advised that the attraction may not be appropriate for those 12 and older, as well. Visit the website for more information.

Open weekends only in October from 7-11 p.m., including Nov. 1. Wristbands available at Spirit Halloween stores. 
