Little Rock Family

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Head of the Class 2016

Ryan Pohlkamp

Little Rock Catholic High School for boys

GPA: 4.0

Honors/Achievements: Eagle Scout, Class Valedictorian, U of A fellowship scholarship

Colleges Accepted To: University of Arkansas

College Attending: University of Arkansas

Career Goal: Currently, I plan to attend dental school after graduating from college with a major in biochemistry and a minor in Spanish. After graduate school, I hope to own my own dental practice and work as a general dentist.

Favorite Memory from High School: The class trip to Europe was definitely my favorite memory from high school. Not only was I able to experience something I had never seen before in the form of European culture and art, but also, the bond of brotherhood between my classmates and I strengthened in ways I cannot really put into words.

Favorite Quote: “If you can not explain something simply, then you do not understand it well enough.” –Albert Einstein