Little Rock Family

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31st Annual Gingerbread Extravaganza at the Arkansas State Capitol

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31st Annual Gingerbread Extravaganza at the Arkansas State Capitol

12/9/2018 1pm - 4pm
Arkansas State Capitol Rotunda, 500 Woodlane St., Little Rock
Info: 501-372-5039, email.

Price: Free!

Check out the entries in the annual gingerbread house decorating juried competition, take photos with Santa and view and exhibit of winning entries to the holiday coloring contest for students in grades preK-5.

To participate in the Gingerbread Decorating Contest, pick up a gingerbread kit ($15 to $30) from the Treatment Homes office at 700 West 4th St. between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. by Dec. 5. Prizes will be awarded in categories Youth: Grades K-3; Grades 4–6; Grades 7-12; Adult, and Team.

Funds raised during this event support the needs of foster children throughout the year, including presents for the annual Christmas party.
