Arkansas PBS Presents: "Blueberry's Clubhouse"

As sweet and blue as his namesake, puppet Blueberry will take Arkansas kids on adventures across the state in “Blueberry’s Clubhouse” from Arkansas PBS. The program, in partnership with the Arkansas Arts Center, will feature local favorites including the Museum of Discovery, Zig Zag, CALS, Arkansas State Parks, Historic Arkansas Museum and more!
The show offers the perfect blend of insight and adventure for kids off for summer — and staying close to home. Here are three ways to squeeze every drop of fun from “Blueberry’s Clubhouse.”
1. Watch
You can catch an episdoe at 10 a.m. each Friday through August 14. Here’s where:
2. Engage
Don’t miss the companion digital series! You can find new content and activities every weekday on Facebook.
3. Enter
And last but not least, your kid can enter the “Blueberry’s Clubhouse” talent show! Entering is easy:
Film your original, school-appropriate talent. Keep videos to 30 seconds or under.
Upload your videos to, Google Drive, Dropbox or One Drive.
Email the link to
Turn in videos by August 3.