Head of the Class: Jed Johnson, Episcopal Collegiate

Jed Johnson
GPA: 4.49
Episcopal Collegiate School
Colleges accepted to:
University of Virginia, University of Arkansas, Southern Methodist University
National Merit Finalist, Stella Boyle Smith Trust Summer Science Scholar, 3-time All-State Cross Country Runner, AP Scholar with Honor, Spanish National Honor Society chapter president
Career goal:
I plan to study biology as an undergraduate, and I hope to make a lasting contribution to patient care as either a physician or a researcher.
Favorite memory from high school:
I have greatly enjoyed practicing, traveling and playing with the varsity baseball team the past four years. My favorite memory with the team was a thrilling 6-4 victory on the road against Lonoke High School my sophomore year.
Tell us about the teacher, coach or administrator who made a difference in your life:
Coach Tamo, my cross country coach, has helped me grow both as a runner and a person. His unwavering encouragement has allowed me to overcome mental and physical barriers that seemed impossible and has taught me to remain positive through the thick and thin.