The COVID-19 pandemic threw a wrench into traditional school schedules that may have found parents noticing more about their students’ learning abilities, frustrations and styles than ever before. You may have found yourself wondering things like, “Has reading always been this hard for my child?” or “Why can’t my child just focus so we can get these assignments done?”

First of all, teaching school from home can be challenging! However, there are difficulties that may appear to be more prominent with some children than others. As parents trying to assist your children in accomplishing their school work from home, you may have noticed that your child is:

  • Struggling with reading and comprehension
  • Not understanding math concepts previously learned
  • Unable to attend to their tasks for extended periods of time
  • Having difficulty organizing their schedule and keeping up with assignments
  • Experiencing increased anxiety and symptoms of depression

If you are consistently seeing any of the above in your child, you may want to consider scheduling a comprehensive psychological evaluation to help identify these issues and assist with support services available to meet your child’s needs. 

“A comprehensive evaluation is so important when trying to understand the source of a child’s learning or behavioral struggles,” explains Kimberly Newton, AERC Director and Licensed Psychological Examiner. “If we only look for one potential learning disability, we may miss other underlying or existing struggles. A holistic approach allows us to best identify and develop a plan to help every individual in unlocking their potential. A diagnosis is not a label, but a key to understanding.”

Let ACCESS help you and your child understand what struggles they may be dealing with academically as well as how to best set them up for a successful 2020-2021 academic year. Next year doesn’t have to be such a challenge. Take the opportunity to use the summer months to learn how to help your child unlock their full potential!

ACCESS has immediate openings available for comprehensive evaluations. Learn more or call an ACCESS admissions specialist today to schedule at 501-217-8600. 

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