Little Rock Family

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Head of the Class 2015

Madison Akins-Banman

Mount St. Mary Academy

GPA: 4.44

Honors/achievements: IB Diploma Candidate, Beta Club President, President of ARUMC’s Conference Council on Youth Ministry, Arkansas Governor’s School for English, National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, National Student Leadership Conference on Medicine and Health Care

Colleges accepted to:Davidson College, University of Richmond, University of Tulsa, Westminster College

College attending: Davidson College or University of Richmond

Career goal:Hopefully something in the medical field. I’m not positive about my career yet, but I hope that whatever path I choose, I can complete each day knowing that I’ve helped the community in some way.

Favorite memory from high school: I loved having the opportunity to volunteer at Easter Seals through the Junior Service Learning program!

Favorite quote:“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” -Marianne Williamson