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Head of the Class 2015

Lindsay Spell

North Pulaski High School

Pulaski County Special School District

GPA: 4.25

Honors/achievements: National Honor Society President, Student Council Vice President, Arkansas Governor’s School, girl’s soccer team Captain

Colleges accepted to:Lyon College, Harding University, Ouachita Baptist University, Arkansas State University

College attending: Arkansas State University

Career goal:I plan on double majoring in mathematics and Spanish and continuing my education by getting my master’s degree in math. With this I hope to one day work my way up to being a professor and go overseas to teach in a Spanish-speaking country.

Favorite memory from high school: My favorite memory would have to be the 6 weeks I spent at Arkansas Governor’s School. The time I was there was amazing. I got to spend every second of my day surrounded by peers and faculty that challenged me to think outside of the box. I had full access to an amazing campus, and built relationships with intellectuals that can never be broken. We were like a family there and I couldn’t imagine spending those 6 weeks anywhere else.

Favorite quote:“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” -C.S. Lewis