Little Rock Family

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Head of the Class 2015

Sarah Glass

Arkansas Baptist High School

GPA: 4.1731

Honors/achievements: Mu Alpha Theta, Beta Club, National Honor Society, National Student Scholar for Girls Tennis, Highest Academic Average for 18 classes during my high school career, International Club president, All A Honor Roll

Colleges accepted to: Georgia Tech, The University of Alabama, Trinity University, University of Mississippi, Hendrix College, Lipscomb University

College attending: Hendrix College

Career goal:I plan to become a biochemistry researcher so that I may find personalized treatments for cancer patients.

Favorite memory from high school: My favorite memory is going on Junior Trip with my class. We bonded before we started our senior year and enjoyed seeing historical memorials in D.C. and amazing sights in New York. I loved experiencing the Metropolitan Museum of Art the most because I saw many Impressionist paintings.

Favorite quote:“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.” -Plutarch