Little Rock Family

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Head of the Class 2015

Adam Hardman

Arkansas Baptist High School

GPA: 4.21

Honors/achievements: National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Beta Club, All-Region Flute 2014, Highest Academic Average for World History, Principal’s List

Colleges accepted to: University of Arkansas

College attending: University of Arkansas

Career goal:I would like to pursue an undergraduate degree in computer science, then focus my studies on software development in graduate school. After my studies are finished, I would like to develop my own software company.

Favorite memory from high school: Our class always takes a Senior Trip to the Northeast United States (New York City, Washington D.C., Philadelphia) every year. The year my class went we took a small church bus and a charter bus. On the way to D.C., in the middle of the night, the church bus broke down. The class had to squeeze into the aisles of the charter bus in order to keep traveling and make it to D.C. on time. I was very well acquainted with my classmates after the trip!

Favorite quote:“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” -Isaac Newton