Little Rock Family

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Head of the Class 2015

Amanda Muller

Little Rock Christian Academy

GPA: 4.57

Honors/achievements: National Merit Commended Scholar, Honor Roll All Year, Outstanding Student Award: Pre-AP Calculus, Outstanding Scholarship Award: Cadet Band, Debate Team, Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society, Stephens Award Recipient

Colleges accepted to:Texas A&M University, University of Arkansas, Texas Christian University, Trinity University, Rhodes College, Hendrix College

College attending: Undecided

Career goal:I would love to stay a Camp Winnamocka counselor forever, but my ultimate dream is to become an emergency room doctor.

Favorite memory from high school: The last day of summer before junior year began there was a “locker set-up day” at school. I was new to LRCA and I didn’t know anybody. However, I stepped through the doors and students excitedly offered to show me around. Their welcoming kindness meant more to me than they knew. That first impression has held up; the people at LRCA are some of the most kindhearted I’ve ever met.

Favorite quote:“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” -John A. Shedd