5 Caves to Explore in Arkansas

Arkansas' underground beauty is easy to overlook. But did you know that the state is full of caves and caverns that are safe for the whole family to explore?
Located across northern Arkansas, these five destination make for easy day trips. The formations are like nothing you find above ground, and kids will learn about a seemingly whole new world as they discover stalactites and stalagmites, cave curtains and even structures with names like cave bacon and cave popcorn!
Check out these five caves and caverns and explore them with the whole family.
Onyx Cave
Onyx Cave is located six miles east of Eureka Springs. The cave offers easy access with ramps and stairs to access the gift shop and a non-strenuous trail that leads you through the cave. The self-guided tour (note that strollers are not allowed) takes about 30 minutes and the cave is approximately 57 degrees year round.
Onyx Cave closes for a portion of the winter each year, but usually re-opens around Valentine's Day weekend.
More information: OnyxCaveEurekaSprings.com | 479-253-9321
Location: 338 Onyx Cave Lane, Eureka Springs
Tickets: $10.50 for adults; $6.50 for kids ages 3-12; free for children under 3
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Sunday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Mystic Caverns

Get a two for one at this location in Harrison. With entrances only 400 feet apart, the Mystic Cavern and Crystal Dome are both open for guided tours. Follow the path the first settlers to this area traveled on a tour through Mystic, learn about the "pipe organ" and hear the infamous story of the spider monkey. Crystal Dome, which was discovered 100 years after Mystic, is a spectacular eight-story dome in pristine form.
Tours are 35-45 minutes long and run consistently from March-December. Call for a schedule in January and February.
More information: MysticCaverns.com | 1.888.743.1739
Location: 341 Caverns Drive, Harrison
Tickets for both caverns: $19.99 for adults; $11.99 for kids ages 4-12; free for kids 3 and under
Hours (through August): Monday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Bull Shoals Caverns
Tours run from March 15 through Thanksgiving weekend at this cavern in Bull Shoals, about an hour east of Harrison. The caverns are home to camel crickets, bats, salamanders, underground rivers and many different varieties of cave formations. Tours are approximately 45 minutes and the cave stays right around 59 degrees all year.
There is also gemstone panning and a giftshop on site.
More information: BullShoalsCaverns.com | 870-445-7177
Location: 1011 CS Woods Blvd., Bull Shoals
Tickets: $17 for adults; $8.75 for kids ages 5-11; free for children 4 and under
Hours: Wednesday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
War Eagle Cavern on Beaver Lake
At this cave in Rogers, have the option of a walking tour or a muddy and adventurous spelunker tour. The walking tour opens in March each year while the spelunker tour runs from July-October.
Parts of the walking tour include the 7-foot high Crystal Hallway (glistening with sparkles of Arkansas Quartz and pyrite), a fossil dig area for kids and more.
On the spelunker tour, experience huge colonies of bats and get wet and muddy as you squeeze through passageways and wade through water. Kids must be at least 12 and accompanied by an adult.
While you're there, check out the above ground attractions: a "lost in the woods maze," trading post/gift shop and gem panning.
More information: WarEagleCavern.com | 479-789-2909
Location: 21494 Cavern Road, Rogers
Tickets: Guided Tour $18 for adults; $11 for kids ages 4-12; free for kids under 3 | Wild Cavern Tour $65/person (12 and up), reservations are required
Old Spanish Treasure Cave
Located in the northwest corner of Arkansas, the Old Spanish Treasure Cave is open from April through Thanksgiving weekend. The cavern is filled with fascinating legends of hidden treasure buried by the Spanish Conquistadors.
For an extra special excursion, bring a lawn chair and check out the underground movie theater during the season. Check on the Facebook page for updates about which movies will be playing and when.
The cave offers a special for school groups for only $6.50 per student, including gemstone panning. There is also a "camp in the cave" program for scout and youth groups 10-18 years of age that includes off-trail exploration and a night sleeping in the cavern.
More information: WarEagleCavern.com | 479-789-2909
Location: 21494 Cavern Road, Rogers
Tickets: Guided Tour $18 for adults; $11 for kids ages 4-12; free for kids under 3 | Wild Cavern Tour $65/person (12 and up), reservations are required
*At press time, Blanchard Springs Caverns, near Mountain View, was closed due to COVID-19. Check BlanchardSprings.org for updates.