Also see this month's cover story, The Art of Grandparenting

Whether they live just down the street or across the country, it’s important for grandkids to devote time and effort to maintaining and growing a relationship with their grandparents.

If you’re struggling to foster that connection, here are some ways grandkids and grandparents can stay connected and build their bond.

1 Video chat on a regular schedule. Try setting a bi-weekly Skype or Facetime date
2 Send snail mail. Making grandparents pen pals is a fun way to stay in touch
3 Pick a project. Having something to work on together is an easy way to bond
4 Research family history together
5 Teach each other skills. Grandkids can share technology smarts while grandparents can teach a skill such as baking or woodworking
6 Maintain family traditions — whether those are weekly dinner or special holiday events
7 Implement “no phone time” to encourage kids to put down devices and engage in meaningful conversation when grandparents are present
8 Set up “grandparent dates” where a child and grandparent can spend quality time together
9 Look through old photos. These will spark memories and lead to stories grandparents can share
10 Read books together and take turns choosing the books
11 Have a cousin club and schedule fun activities with just cousins and grandparents
12 Include grandparents in family vacations or weekend getaways
13 Play board games or card games together
14 Remind kids to always tell their grandparents “thank you,” and not to take gifts for granted
15 Invite grandparents to sporting events, performances or other activities that kids are participating in
16 Maintain communication between parents and grandparents about rules on things like sweets or screen time to avoid conflict or confusion
17 Document memories together by taking photos, making a mini album or writing about the experience
18 Try making an old family recipe together
19 Draw a picture of each other — and don’t worry about your lack of art skills!
20 Decorate for a holiday together using new and old items and traditions
21 Listen to each other’s favorite songs from different decades
22 Have a family competition and let grandparents be team captains
23 Call and share exciting news or happenings before posting on social media
24 Have a spa day together — daughter, mom and grandma getting manicures together!
25 Always remember to say “I love you!”